Exploring Universals of Tense and Aspect
Proceedings of the Colloquium at Masaryk University, Brno, 22–24 June 2016
Studien zur historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft 16 (SHVS 16)
2020 · kartoniert · 203 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-935536-44-8
Research into tense and aspect has been a flourishing field of study for four decades, expanded and intensified by a paradigm shift triggered by Hewson and Bubenik in the late 1990s. The present volume includes papers submitted and discussed at a colloquium devoted to exploring universals of tense and aspect, held in Brno in 2016. Its papers focus on the diachrony of tense/aspect categories, their grammaticalization, and typological changes within the aspectual/temporal systems. Specifically, the individual papers in the volume are as follows: The Psychological Reality of Chronogenesis and The interplay of Grammatical Aspect and (Lexical) Aktionsart by John Hewson, Questioning the Universality of the Perfect by Bridget Drinka, The Borrowability of the Categories of Tense and Aspect: The State of the Art by Vít Boček, Modern Greek and SAE Linguistics Area by Kateřina Bočková Loudová, Synthetic and Analytic Structures for Tense and Aspect in Indo-European by Carlotta Viti, Tense and Temporal Remoteness in the Old Indo-Aryan Verbal System: A Multidimensional Timeline Approach by Eystein Dahl, Reduplication and Tense-Aspect Stems in Old Indo-Aryan by Ondřej Šefčík, Development of Tense/Aspect Forms from Old to New Iranian and On the Role of Auxiliation in the Implementation of Temporal and Aspectual Contrasts in the History of Semitic Languages by Vit Bubenik, and First Plural Form in the Slavic Languages by Roman Sukač. This volume represent a particularly welcome contribution to the literature dealing with theoretical and historical investigation of lexical and grammatical aspect and will therefore be of interest to students and scholars of.