Altlitauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch Old Lithuanian Etymological Dictionary
Studien zur historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft 7 (SHVS 7)
2015 · Hardcover, 3 Bände · 1639 Pages
ISBN 978-3-935536-74-5
The Old Lithuanian Etymological Dictionary is the only comprehensive etymological dictionary dealing with native and loan words found in Old Lithuanian from the start of written records to 1700. A large number of listed words, word forms and meanings have been documented and analysed for the first time. In more than 3000 articles the history of words is extensively documented on the basis of primary sources and up-to-date etymological analyses of the words are provided. Thus the dictionary is also a historical dictionary and, indeed, its wealth of language-historical and cultural information makes it to a great extent also a dictionary of Modern Lithuanian. The three-volume dictionary is indispensable to all scholars interested in the historical linguistics of Indo-European languages and linguistic typology.
ALEW is an excellent addition to the tools available for the study of Old Lithuanian and the history of Lithuanian. Indeed, before ALEW there was no complete etymological dictionary or lexicon focused solely on the lexicon of early Lithuanian, which makes this dictionary especially welcome.
David Elton Gay, LINGUIST List 27.4152